I wanted to start this blog off as a thank you to my momma for birthing me and sustaining me, but alas I was such a lazy bum that I put it off for four days.
It is currently 3:54 A.M. in Chicago and I'm awake. As of late, I've really been exploring issues of femininity, adulthood, personal style, and truly, the eve of my womanhood. I shall be twenty one years old at the end of August, and although nothing will change, for some reason, that month seems to have become a due date for me figuring all of those things out. Any previous ideas, and formulated opinions I had about any of those topics seem to be flying out the window, and my brain is eagerly awaiting to be seasoned with time and experiences; at the same time I'm being petty and am hunting for a good eye wrinkle cream. This will probably be poorly written and told in circular storytelling, which I'm quite good at. I would like to use this lovely, free online space to figure out in which physical way I would like to present my womanly self to the world. I am a human and love beautiful things, so such pictured things will make an appearance here as well. Okay, there, after putting it off for...five days? My first official blog post.
Okay, I guess I should say a couple of things about myself, eh?
I want to be a storyteller of the comics kind. Holding the title of cartoonist is my biggest desire. I'm currently in the process of learning French, which I hope ends with me living in France, drawing/teaching comics. I have a nice, nerdy, study group of ladies and am currently making my way through all of Jean-Luc Godard's films(Read: Obsessed).
I think that's it for now as my gross morning breath is starting to get to me and I would like to very much be asleep so I don't notice it.