Welcome to the first part of many mighty good men(Until I can think up a better title). A space in this little blog where I dish about handsome men and their sexy style(or you know, not sexy).
The first is Plastic Crimewave also known as Steve Krakow. He is a cartoonist, musician and vintage lover/wearer and collector extraordinaire. I first spotted him at Chicago's own Chic-A-go-go and was blown away by this tight flared pants, band t-shirt and dance moves. It was so lovely to put a face to a strip I read weekly in our Chicago Reader, Secret History of Chicago Music.
I was lucky to grow up in the time of Nicktoons and Nick at Nite, when it was all good. In 1997 Nick at Nite began airing re-runs of one of my favorite shows of all time, The Wonder Years. I was eight years old when I started watching The Wonder Years and a bit too smart for my age. My mother was very strict about tv watching, so I was restricted to the History Channel and Nickelodeon(odd combinations to create an odd me). I suppose I related to the young characters and ,of course, developed a crush on Kevin. I watched the re-runs back and forth until 2001, when they were over. In 2001 I was aged twelve years old and missing the Wonder Years, when I saw a trailer for an upcoming ABC Family show, State of Grace:
I immediately fell in love with the song and knew I had to tune into the premiere. I did and once I heard an older woman narrating, I knew I would love it because it seemed to be like a Wonder Years for girls. State of Grace is set in 1965 and follow the adventures of two girls, Hannah and Grace. Hannah is Jewish and lives with her quirky Jewish family, consisting of father, mother, uncle and grandma. Grace is daughter to a socialite by the name of Tattie. I fell in love with the two girls, played by Alia Shawkat and Mae Whitman, who were both aged twelve too. The families were so beautiful and the stories were so heart warming. One of my favorite aspects of the show were all the beautiful clothes! Grace, being the more adventurous one, wore clothes of the 1960's, with Hannah following later. My favorite outfits, however, were Tattie's. She was a hot mama and wore some tight numbers. This series has not yet been released on DVD or VHS or anything so I've scourged good old YouTube and compiled as much of a comprehensive collection of videos as possible. Some of them are sadly missing audio. Enjoy!
Episode 1:
(no audio)
Counter Culture Revolution
And that's all for Season 1. RetroforMe's youtube channel has a good number of episodes from Season 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctbySDfmz9w&playnext=1&list=PLA65B120C0B6DBE83&index=3